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Kidneys and Bladder Ultrasound

We will perform a detailed scan to look at the size, shape and condition of the:

  • bladder when full and immediately after emptying

  • both kidneys and ureters

  • prostate gland when visible

Common examples for having this ultrasound scan are:

  • to exclude the effects of urinary tract infections (UTI)

  • look for obstructions due to stones in the kidney or bladder

  • look for causes of persistent bladder problems

  • look for prostate enlargement

We will provide a Radiologist report within 24 hours. 


Kidneys-and Bladder Ultrasound-Pontiac

Pre-scan preparation
Need to expose lower part of the abdomen so ideally wear 2 piece garments i.e pants and top.
Drink a minimum of 24 ounces of clear fluid at least one hour before your appointment. Do not empty your bladder prior to the procedure. Generally, no prior preparation, such as fasting is required.
Maintain normal medication.

Pre-scan preparation

Kidneys and Bladder Ultrasound-Livonia
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