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Carotid Duplex

We will perform a detailed scan including Doppler to look at the size, condition and blood flow through the following arteries in the neck:

  • common carotid arteries from their origin to bifurcation (split in two to feed different areas of the head and brain)

  • internal and external carotid arteries (bifurcation areas)

  • vertebral arteries

Common example for having this ultrasound screening is the detection or exclusion of:

  • plaque build-up and subsequent narrowing of the carotid arteries

We will provide a Radiologist report within 24 hours. 


Pre-scan preparation
This examination will require easy access to your neck so please wear appropriate loose clothing.
There are no special dietary requirements for this scan.

Carotid Duplex Pontiac
Carotid Duplex Livonia
Carotid Duplex Result Pontiac
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